Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Bad virus. Only me so far. Back to our regularly scheduled programming soon.


  1. Exactly what I was thinking!

  2. This is the first time I've ever been sick in China -- I don't think it's the watermelon, and we haven't had street food. It's actually going around the int'l adoption community here at the hotel.

    It's nasty, though. I may be the last patron ever to be served by this particular hotel bathroom, as it will need to be stripped back to studs and completely remodeled when I am through with it.

  3. See how much healthier you are when you are working 16 hour days instead of having all those swimming pools to lounge in? Hope you are better soon!

  4. Rob had the same experience in Africa. It became bearable, but continued until after we got home. I hope you get better soon and leave it in China!

  5. Yikes! I hope you feel better soon ... you might consider a substantial tip for the housekeeping staff :)

  6. Stress and lack of sleep (due to time changes, making a major step in your life, and taking on the responsibility of another human being)can really wear down your immune system! Rest and get well!

  7. Hope you are better soon Matthew!!!!!

  8. this was just starting around when we left there, the couple in the next room had to delay leaving for a few days 'cause she got it the night before we were all leaving...this is really not sandra, guess who, any better tonight? cipro?
