Monday, March 26, 2012

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

It is Eli's pleasure to introduce you to his new Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf brand scooter. 

We schleped Naomi and Townes' scooters across the ocean, but we did not have one for Eli.  This caused much angst and agony for him.  We found an awesome scooter at the fancy mall across the way.  $150.  We passed on that one.  Finally today, we found the perfect $25 scooter at the local Carrefour.  It has a basket.  It has streamers.  It has three wheels.  It makes us all happy.

Eli collecting leaves for his daddy.

Scooter heaven.
We spent a beautiful day at Century Park yesterday.  Along with 200,000 of our closest Shanghai friends.  We hadn't found a scooter yet for Eli, so he got a helicopter balloon instead (yes, I'm a pushover).

You can't tell from here, but Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf are on the balloon too.

Lichen playing...

That's our building, 2nd from the right.
Outside the main entrance to the park.  Breadfruit?  Not sure.


  1. I like the warning to "not take any hard, sword things" . Also, isn't that spiky fruit in the last picture a durian, one of the worst smelling fruits in the world. We saw lots of them in Vietnam.

  2. I also like the suggestion to look after your values. A great idea for everyone.

  3. I think the big green fruit is jackfruit.
