Monday, November 26, 2012

Weekend in Chengdu

We had a wonderful visit with my sister Elizabeth, AKA "Aunt Lizzy".  As soon as she arrived , we whisked her away for a weekend in Chengdu.  I'd heard nothing but wonderful things about Chengdu, and I wasn't disappointed.  It's not really a beautiful city, but it's just got such a nice feel to it, and such great food, and PANDAS.  We were also excited to see Naomi and Townes' former Mandarin tutor, Zoe, in Chengdu.  She grew up nearby and recently returned to take a teaching job. 

We weren't the only tourists at Tianfu Square.

Watching candy animals being made at People's Park.

Monday, November 12, 2012

In Other News...

Updates in no particular order:

We've had a long-standing leak problem in our apartment -- mystery water under the floor wicking its way up the walls in various rooms.  Our landlady put us up in some fancy temporary digs while her contractors tried to find the source.  We stayed only a few blocks away, but it felt like a world away.  The area is more Western, more isolated, and more likely to make me lose my mind or burst into tears.  While it had a very nice playground, I hated it.  Made me appreciate our more Chinese neighborhood.  I missed pajama man.  I missed the fruit man.  I missed the vegetable chopping ladies.  I'm very glad to be home.

Happy Halloween (a little late...)

Halloween was surprisingly a big deal here in Shanghai.  Big parties at Eli's and Naomi & Townes' schools.  Here are the highlights:

Zombie from Candyland and All Aspects of Evil.

The other 4th grade class at the school Halloween parade.

Mr. Evil and his class.

Naomi and her friend Holly Catwoman.

Eli preparing treats to bring to school for Halloween.

Eli and his class singing Halloween songs.

Eli and Teacher Vivianna.

Scariest costumes ever.