We’re not dead, and everything’s great.
I’m sure all of you erudite word hounds are thinking to yourselves, “What does the title of this post mean? Doesn’t “prodigal” mean “profligate,” “wastefully extravagant,” or “spendthrift”? Is Matthew broke? Has he misused a metaphor? And just what exactly is it with Sarah Palin, anyway?”
All valid questions. In answer to the first, I’m evoking the story of the wayward son who vanished without a trace and wasted his time and money, only to return months later to be feted by family and friends with accolades and parties. So here I am. Ready for kegs and naked twister.
I’m sure the next question on your minds is, “Where the hell have you been the last 2.5 months?” As my brother-in-law put it over a month ago, I seem to have set a new land speed record for starting a blog and then letting it go mysteriously and utterly defunct.